The revitalization of the Richardson Olmsted Campus is a long-fought-for and celebrated part of Buffalo’s cultural and economic revival. Thank you for your generous support!
This National Historic Landmark is part of Buffalo’s resurgence as an arts and culture destination and a mecca for architecture enthusiasts from around the nation—as well as one of the largest historic preservation projects in the country.
Together, we saved this famous landmark from abandonment; together, we created a reuse plan; together, we celebrated the opening of the Olmstedian South Lawn landscape; and together, we will complete the renewal of this American architectural masterpiece.

So many ways to give.
Make a planned gift.
There’s no better way to make a lasting impact on the Richardson Olmsted Campus than through your estate planning. A gift may be made by a simple bequest or through other income-producing vehicles.
Make an in-kind gift.
The Richardson Olmsted Campus welcomes contributions of items and services in support of its preservation and redevelopment program as well as its ongoing sustainability efforts. Helpful contributions include printing, computer equipment, office supplies, and support for programs and events.
Give your time.
With a small, dedicated staff, volunteers are invaluable to the Richardson Olmsted Campus, and we are always looking to make new connections with members of the community. Volunteer opportunities range from assisting with tours to helping beautify the grounds in the spring and summer months to special events coordination.